Error with catkin_make when building package beginner_tutorials
Hi, I have installed a ROS groovy from source on Ubuntu 12.04 and working on the basic tutorial to get familiarised with ROS. As part of creating a message and service for the beginner_tutorials package mentioned in the basic tutorial I am getting the following error when I run catkin_make, given below is the error. Please let me know how to proceed.
Base path: /home/neo/ros_catkin_ws
Source space: /home/neo/ros_catkin_ws/src
Build space: /home/neo/ros_catkin_ws/build
Devel space: /home/neo/ros_catkin_ws/devel
Install space: /home/neo/ros_catkin_ws/install
WARNING: Metapackage "vision_opencv" must buildtool_depend on catkin.
WARNING: Metapackage "image_transport_plugins" must buildtool_depend on catkin.
WARNING: Metapackage "geometry" must buildtool_depend on catkin.
WARNING: Metapackage "perception_pcl" must buildtool_depend on catkin.
WARNING: Metapackage "image_common" must buildtool_depend on catkin.
WARNING: Metapackage "diagnostics" must buildtool_depend on catkin.
WARNING: Metapackage "geometry_experimental" must buildtool_depend on catkin.
WARNING: Metapackage "nodelet_core" must buildtool_depend on catkin.
#### Running command: "cmake /home/neo/ros_catkin_ws/src -DCATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX=/home/neo/ros_catkin_ws/devel -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/neo/ros_catkin_ws/install" in "/home/neo/ros_catkin_ws/build"
-- Using CATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX: /home/neo/ros_catkin_ws/devel
-- Using CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH: /home/neo/ros_catkin_ws/install_isolated
-- This workspace overlays: /home/neo/ros_catkin_ws/install_isolated
-- Found gtest sources under '/usr/src/gtest': gtests will be built
-- Using CATKIN_TEST_RESULTS_DIR: /home/neo/ros_catkin_ws/build/test_results
-- catkin 0.5.66
WARNING: Metapackage "vision_opencv" must buildtool_depend on catkin.
WARNING: Metapackage "image_transport_plugins" must buildtool_depend on catkin.
WARNING: Metapackage "geometry" must buildtool_depend on catkin.
WARNING: Metapackage "perception_pcl" must buildtool_depend on catkin.
WARNING: Metapackage "image_common" must buildtool_depend on catkin.
WARNING: Metapackage "diagnostics" must buildtool_depend on catkin.
WARNING: Metapackage "geometry_experimental" must buildtool_depend on catkin.
WARNING: Metapackage "nodelet_core" must buildtool_depend on catkin.
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- ~~ traversing 181 packages in topological order:
-- ~~ - bfl (plain cmake)
-- ~~ - angles
-- ~~ - bond_core (metapackage)
-- ~~ - camera_calibration
-- ~~ - common_msgs (metapackage)
-- ~~ - console_bridge
-- ~~ - class_loader
-- ~~ - convex_decomposition
-- ~~ - cpp_common
-- ~~ - diagnostics (metapackage)
WARNING: The metapackage 'diagnostics' has no CMakeLists.txt. Please add one to the package source. You can use the following file: /home/neo/ros_catkin_ws/build/catkin_generated/metapackages/diagnostics/CMakeLists.txt
-- ~~ - driver_common (metapackage)
-- ~~ - flann (plain cmake)
-- ~~ - genmsg
-- ~~ - gencpp
-- ~~ - genlisp
-- ~~ - genpy
-- ~~ - geometry (metapackage)
WARNING: The metapackage 'geometry' has no CMakeLists.txt. Please add one to the package source. You can use the following file: /home/neo/ros_catkin_ws/build/catkin_generated/metapackages/geometry/CMakeLists.txt
-- ~~ - geometry_experimental (metapackage)
WARNING: The metapackage 'geometry_experimental' has no CMakeLists.txt. Please add one to the package source. You can use the following file: /home/neo/ros_catkin_ws/build/catkin_generated/metapackages/geometry_experimental/CMakeLists.txt
-- ~~ - image_common (metapackage)
WARNING: The metapackage 'image_common' has no CMakeLists.txt. Please add one to the package source. You can use the following file: /home/neo/ros_catkin_ws/build/catkin_generated/metapackages/image_common/CMakeLists.txt
-- ~~ - image_pipeline (metapackage)
-- ~~ - image_transport_plugins (metapackage)
WARNING: The metapackage 'image_transport_plugins' has no CMakeLists.txt. Please add one to the package source. You can use the following file: /home/neo/ros_catkin_ws/build/catkin_generated/metapackages/image_transport_plugins/CMakeLists.txt
-- ~~ - ivcon
-- ~~ - message_generation
-- ~~ - message_runtime
-- ~~ - mk
-- ~~ - nodelet_core (metapackage)
WARNING: The metapackage 'nodelet_core' has no CMakeLists.txt. Please add one to the package source. You can use the following file: /home/neo/ros_catkin_ws/build/catkin_generated/metapackages/nodelet_core/CMakeLists.txt
-- ~~ - opencv2 (plain cmake)
-- ~~ - orocos_kdl ...
Ignore the warnings about metapackages. Do you have non-catkin packages in your workspace?
Hi joq, Thanks a ton for your response. Well I have two work spaces, one for catkin packages and the other for non-catkin packages. This file structure was created by Groovy itself. Please let me know how to proceed.
The wiki needs to be updated please. The command catkin_make_isolated works, but it builds all the packages in the catkin workspace and can take some time. Thanks a lot all, especially joq, for the response and support
If your catkin workspace is properly separated from your rosbuild workspace, catkin_make should work, you should not need catkin_make_isolated.